Safety Protocols

  • Covid-19

    North Hills Cooperative Preschool is committed to following the latest safety guidelines for Covid-19.

    • Daily temperature checks

    • Daily health screenings

    • Masks required (2 years+)

    • Extended outdoor playtime

    • Social distancing snack time

    • Daily sanitization

    • Health/Safety chair position

  • Earthquake & Fire

    North Hills Cooperative Preschool is committed keeping our students and volunteers safe.

    • Regular drills

    • Child specific safety kits on site

    • Regularly maintained safety equipment and alarms

  • Allergies

    North Hills Cooperative Preschool is committed keeping our students and volunteers safe.

    • Nut-free campus

    • Refrigeration for medications

    • Posted allergy lists

    • No food sharing

North Hills Co-Op is compliant with California Department of Public Health immunization requirements for preschool admission.

Please click here for more information.​